Assalamu‘alaikum wr. wb.
Hello guys! If previously we discussed what an API is, this time we will discuss the comparison of REST API and RESTful API.
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A. Definition of REST API
REST API is an architectural style for APIs that uses HTTP requests to access and use data, as well as securely exchange data over the internet. REST API is a way for two computer systems to communicate.
REST API works in a similar way, helping you get results for the services you request when searching for something on the internet. In 2000, Roy Fielding introduced the concept of REST API specifications, which later became a dominant practice in modern software engineering.
APIs are essentially a set of rules created by developers on the server side to allow programs to communicate with each other. And REST determines how APIs will look and work as well as what architectural pattern developers will follow to build them.
Some key principles followed by REST API are :
- Layered system - REST elements cannot see beyond the assigned layers. This results in increased scalability and easier addition of proxies and load balancers.
- Uniform interface - The most important feature of the REST architectural pattern is its emphasis on uniformity of interface among all components.
- Cacheable - REST servers must identify their responses as cacheable or non-cacheable, so that dumping of non-cacheable information and storage of required information can be done for performance improvement.
- Statelessness - In REST applications, the client maintains the application state, but the server does not manage any client state. Service requests include all the information needed for processing.
B. Definition of RESTful API
RESTful API is an interface that allows two different systems to exchange information over the internet with strict security. RESTful API offers a scalable and straightforward method for building APIs that can be implemented across various programming languages and platforms.
Currently, RESTful API adopts and follows the constraints of the REST architecture (a set of protocols that must be followed by an API), allowing it to be scalable, faster, and support all types of data. Such APIs access data using HTTP requests and are the most commonly used type of API in web development stacks.
Some key components of RESTful API are :
- Headers - With the help of HTTP headers, RESTful API manages information, such as connection type, proxies, and metadata, for both valid request and response messages.
- Data - Data is the body containing further information about the resource requested by the client. When the client specifies the content type in the header, the body contains the actual content.
- Methods - This API manipulates data using specific HTTP methods such as DELETE, POST, or GET to help the server function properly.
- Endpoint - This is the URL that specifies the location of data on the server. The endpoint is essentially the resource we are trying to access through the API.
Web services or RESTful APIs have various benefits. For example, they use less bandwidth, support every type of data format, have an easy learning curve, and developers do not need to build them from scratch. These APIs are highly popular in the field of SaaS application development and are well-suited for both public and private use.
Here are some Comparisons and Differences between REST API and RESTful API.
A. Feature Comparisons
Now that you understand what REST and RESTful APIs are and how they work, let's understand how they differ from each other in terms of the parameters provided:
1. Architecture
REST applications have a layered system and client-side with a consistent user interface, while RESTful applications have the same architecture with some additional features, if we talk about architecture.
The architecture of REST applications consists of a layered system and client-side with a consistent user interface, while RESTful applications have the same architecture with some additional features.
Moreover, REST servers work with client-server to handle user interactions, and the REST framework manages application performance through independent systems. It identifies every opportunity for improvement or update on individual paths.
2. Consistent User Interface
As mentioned earlier, a consistent or uniform user interface is one of the key components of REST applications. It is what largely distinguishes the REST architecture from other network-based patterns. The API successfully maintains an unchanged interface across various devices.
And in terms of handling data as resources, both RESTful and REST systems do that with typical and unique namespaces.
3. Caching Capability
REST APIs suggest data as cacheable/non-cacheable to replace data that cannot be cached, whereas RESTful applications allow clients to use cacheable data anywhere, anytime.
You can easily enhance the performance and functionality of REST systems because the infrastructure and clients can store data. When no one is using the stored data, the system can replace uncachable information.
On the other hand, building RESTful APIs allows you to access cacheable data and unchanged states whenever and however you need. It also enables you to follow current enterprise web development trends and customize the system according to your needs.
4. Stability
REST applications remain stateless, and clients handle each phase of the application, whereas RESTful servers only hide the implementation.
Each server request contains all the necessary information for processing. Assuming there are changes in the status of RESTful APIs, clients provide responses to the framework for storage capacity and obtain specific opposing information from REST with system infrastructure. It uses distributed objects to prevent data from other elements.
In the REST framework, clients and servers exchange information about status and data, whereas RESTful web services do not hide any data.
5. Multi-Layered Architecture
Between REST vs RESTful, REST devices cannot see beyond the assigned layers, whereas RESTful applications facilitate data flow between multiple layers.
This is why you need to use proxies or load balancers to enhance security measures and REST system performance. Conversely, RESTful APIs combine stateless constraints to create systems with secure boundaries. Moreover, the difference between these constraints is very clear and definitive, and data flows from one layer to another depending on client needs. Clients have the power to display or manipulate data.
B. Comparison at a Glance
It's time for a brief summary and a look through some other differing factors between RESTful vs REST APIs. Here's the comparison :
- In REST applications, URLs function based on requests and responses, while RESTful APIs are entirely dependent on REST applications.
- REST is used to develop APIs, enabling interaction between server and client, whereas RESTful is a web application that follows REST infrastructure. RESTful APIs provide interoperability between multiple systems across networks.
- REST APIs use web services and are request-response based, while RESTful APIs are entirely based on REST applications and infrastructure.
- REST applications have strong protocols and pre-configured layered architecture as security measures, while RESTful applications have layered transport protocols. As a result, creating RESTful applications is relatively less secure.
- The data format of REST APIs is based on HTTP, whereas the data format of RESTful APIs simply depends on HTTP, Text, and JSON.
- REST applications consume only minimum bandwidth, while RESTful applications consume less bandwidth.
- RESTful APIs follow the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, whereas REST APIs do not follow any specific pattern.
- REST APIs are very user-friendly and customizable for various software development methodologies. Conversely, RESTful services are more flexible compared to non-RESTful APIs.
C. Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of REST API :
- REST API is a lightweight and flexible architecture that can easily be implemented on any platform or language.
- REST API is stateless, meaning each request contains all the necessary information to complete the request. This allows scalability and reduces the burden on the server.
- REST API is widely adopted and supported by most programming languages and modern frameworks.
- REST API provides a simple and standardized way to access resources over the internet.
Disadvantages of REST API :
- REST API may not be the best choice for complex business logic and workflows.
- REST API can be difficult to implement in certain situations, especially when dealing with complex data structures.
- REST API does not provide built-in authentication or authorization mechanisms, meaning developers have to implement their own security measures.
2. RESTful API
Advantages of RESTful API :
- RESTful API is a standard implementation of the REST architecture, making it easy for developers to build and maintain web services.
- RESTful API provides a uniform interface for accessing resources, simplifying the development process.
- RESTful API supports caching, which can improve performance by reducing the number of requests sent to the server.
- RESTful API can be used with various data formats, including XML and JSON.
Disadvantages of RESTful API :
- RESTful API may not be suitable for complex business logic and workflows.
- RESTful API can be difficult to implement in certain situations, especially when dealing with complex data structures.
- RESTful API can be slower compared to other web service architectures, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.
C. Table Comparison
Aspect | REST | RESTful API |
Definition | Architectural style for networked applications. | Implementation of REST principles in an API. |
Principles | Emphasizes statelessness, client-server architecture, a uniform interface, etc. | Follows the principles outlined by REST. |
Usage | Describes an architectural style that can be implemented in various ways, not limited to the web. | Specifically refers to APIs designed following REST principles, often used in web services. |
Statelessness | Requires each request from a client to contain all the information needed; no server-side session storage. | Follows the statelessness principle of REST. |
Resource Identification | Resources are entities that can be identified and manipulated, often using URIs. | Resources are identified and manipulated using URIs in a standardized way. |
HTTP Methods | Utilizes standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for operations on resources. | Involves the use of standard HTTP methods to perform CRUD operations on resources. |
Representation | Resources can have different representations (XML, JSON, HTML, etc.). | Interactions involve representations of resources, such as JSON or XML. |
Flexibility | Describes an architectural style that can be implemented in various ways. | Specifically implies adherence to REST principles in API design. |
Implementation Context | Not limited to web services; applicable in various networked application scenarios. | Specifically used in the context of web services and APIs. |
D. Infographic Comparison
This is a Comparison Infographic between :
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To see an article about Understanding APIs, please see here (in Indonesian). To see this Article in Indonesian, can be see in here.
This is the information presented above, hopefully it will be useful for all of us.
Thank You 😀😊😘👌👍 :)
Wassalamu‘alaikum wr. wb.